Bentley Weekly Update 20.5.2022

Learners of the week

Learners Push Yourself - Otis, Albie,Oleh, Hugo, Eliza, Ralph, Evie



Reception -   tight, surface

Year 1 and 2 - urban, sprawling  

Hedgehogs -   jubilee and commonwealth 

Adders -   anti-sematic, supremacy

Value Friendship - Noah Harry T, Ellie

Hedgehogs Notice

Homework and spelling test of weekly words and the Year 3 and 4 words will be tested on Thursday 26th May due to the Jubilee celebrations on Friday. There will be no homework of CGP books set over the holidays, however, Year 4's in particular need to continue to practise their times tables as they will have their statutory test after half term and all the children need to continue to read for their 5 reads. 

Adders Notice

PE will not be on Wednesday next week so the children need to come in school uniform on Wednesday. 

Jubilee Celebrations

The deadline for pre-ordering Jubilee tokens was today, but you can still purchase one on the day if you have not purchased one already.  If you did not book a Jubilee lunch for your child they will need to bring a packed lunch.  All children will need to be collected from Copdock village hall at the end of the day. 

Further to the email sent this mornng, to help us plan for the day next Friday, please complete the 2 questions on the form here

Uniform order

If you have not already placed your order and need uniform, please ensure you email in your order form this evening and make your payment via spider, or cash/cheque in a named envelope.


Please ensure that your child is wearing the correct uniform and shoes each day to school. (The uniform information sheet is attached)  PE kit and trainers should only be worn on PE days.  Please also ensure all items of clothing are named, particularly jumpers and cardigans as in the recent warm weather jumpers and cardigans are taken off and not always put in their bags.  Being named means we can hopefully reunite your child with their jumper at the end of the day!

Free School meals applications for Year 2 families

Please find attached a Free School Meals poster, if your child will start Key Stage 2 in September and you believe you are eligible, please ensure that you make an application for free school meals online at: you have any queries, please contact them direct.

Healthy Eating

Please can you ensure that if you child wishes to bring in a snack to eat at playtime that it is a healthy snack such as a piece of fruit.  Children should not be taking items from their lunch box to eat at playtime. Please also note that we encourage healthy eating at school during the day and we ask that children do not bring chocolate or sweets in their lunch boxes. These items will be taken out if seen and handed back to you at the end of the day.  Please also remember not to send anything in to school containing nuts.

School lunches

Please ensure any outstanding dinner monies are paid by the end of term please. If you are unsure of what you are currently owing, please contact the office.

Lego club

Lego club will be running after half term again, for 5 weeks up to Thursday 7th July.  Please see the letter attached on how to apply for a place this term.

Federation Review
Governors would like to thank parents for their responses to the Federation Questionnaire for Parents. Communication is a key focus for us in our regular meetings and your feedback helps us to ensure we are catering both for your needs, as well as those of your children.
We have reviewed all responses and have implemented a number of these immediately into our planning. More information will follow in due course. Some of the areas highlighted by parents were already being addressed and you will have received information on these in the weekly updates, for example the opportunity for new parents to come into the schools for a ‘check-in and chat’. A number of regular activities had to be deferred due to the restrictions imposed as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, including restricting parents from coming in to school and activities involving pupils of both schools. We are now very pleased to have combined activities in the diary for Year 4 and Years 5 & 6, as well as opportunities for parents to visit the schools again. 
As mentioned above, more information will follow as arrangements are made for other activities, including parent workshops.  
With best wishes,
Peter Drew, on behalf of the Personnel and Communications Committee

Dates for the Diary

Upcoming events over the next couple of weeks to keep an eye out for:

23-26 May 2022

Year 2 SATS Week



Swimming some Yr 2 & 4 children


26/05/2022 3:15-4:15pm

Lego Club



Queen's Platinum Jubilee Celebration @ Village Hall


30-03 June 2022

Half Term Week


Monday 6th June 2022

PD Day

No Pupils in School

07/06/2022 8:45am

Pupils Return to School




Details to follow

09/06/2022 3:15-4:15pm

Lego Club


10/06/2022 1 – 2pm

New Starters Teddy Bear's Picnic


10/06/2022 2:45pm

Shared Learning Assembly



Year 4 Sleepover


Please also keep an eye on the website for dates in the calendar and news and information about clubs and events - we are receiving lots of flyers about half term clubs and events which we've included on the website in this section!



Files to Download

Bentley School's Christian Ethos

"Know that I am with you always," Matthew 28:20 We encourage the spiritual, social, moral and cultural development of the school family by embedding Christian values into everyday life. Our vision is for all children to be confident individuals, successful learners and responsible citizens who are well equipped for future life, knowing that God is with them always.