Copdock Weekly Update 19/04/2024


Information to Share

New Menu - please note the Lunchtime Lunchbox option is not available to our school.  Please ensure KS2 meals are paid for as they are taken or in advance.  Payment can be made via the website or in cash in a named envelope to the office.  The new menu can be found on the website here.
PTA - the next PTA meeting will be held on Monday 22nd April at 8pm via this Teams link.  Please join us to see how you can help support the PTA and therefore, our school.
Summer Term After School Clubs - there are still spaces available for the ITFC multi sports after school club on Mondays, it's open to children in years 1-3 costing £2 per session.  Please let us know if your child would like to attend - money needs to be paid by Monday please.  On Tuesdays, we offer Lego Club (please see attached for details of how to sign up) and also Coding Club will run from Tuesday 23rd April until Tuesday 21st May. Please see the Form on the website to book your slot.  If your child came previously and would like to continue, please ensure you complete the Form.
Stay & Play - please note stay and play will not be running next Tuesday 23rd for Foundation parents.  We will keep you posted as to when it will start again.
Swimming- please note year 2 are not swimming this half term.  The individual children who are swimming have been notified by email.  This takes place on Mondays so please ensure they have their swimming kits with them
Wraparound Childcare Questionnaire - please complete the attached questionnaire sent by SCC for parents and carers to have their say regarding wraparound care. Wraparound childcare questionnaire parents and carers 



Foxes need packed lunches on Mondays if they are attending guitar.
As the weather hopefully improves, please ensure all jumpers/cardigans/fleeces have names in as they tend to get discarded at break time!
Please check the website for guidance on uniform including PE - earrings are not permitted to be worn during PE lessons.
Don't forget to check out our website for information on events happening soon including holiday clubs, sporting sessions and more!


Every week we encourage parents to support their children to learn and use new vocabulary.  In school we will be exploring the origin of new words, what they mean and how to use them effectively in context.  If you can encourage your child to use these words it would be really helpful!

Kittens: before & behind

Squirrels: country & capital

Woodpeckers: score & sequence

Foxes:  infantry & blitzkrieg

Our Value this half term is 'Friendship' 

arrow 2.PNG

Mondays Swimming

Mondays 3:15-4:15pm ITFC Multi-sport ASC (Yr 1-3) 

Tuesdays 3:15-4:15pm Lego Club

Tuesdays 3:15-4:15pm Coding Club

Mon 22nd Apr - PTA meeting

7-8th May - Yr5 Bikeability

13-16th May - SATS week

Mon 13th May - PTA meeting

27-31 May - Half term week


Learners of the week

Learning Behaviour: ENJOY YOUR LEARNING

Kittens: Jack & Elliot

Squirrels: William & Casey

Woodpeckers:  Christian & Elsie

Foxes: Ellie N & Oscar

Lego Club



Please vote on KWB



Reading Giants

Last week's reading giants were:

None as not a full week


Files to Download

Bentley School's Christian Ethos

"Know that I am with you always," Matthew 28:20 We encourage the spiritual, social, moral and cultural development of the school family by embedding Christian values into everyday life. Our vision is for all children to be confident individuals, successful learners and responsible citizens who are well equipped for future life, knowing that God is with them always.