Copdock Weekly Update 09/06/17


The PTA Needs Your Help!

Following our meeting this week we are planning our summer fayre to be held on the school field on 7th July 3:20pm. We have lots of ideas for stalls and activities for the children to do but we need some adults to help make this event a success. Each class will be running their own stalls too. Last year we raised a fantastic amount enabling us to purchase interactive TV screens for the classrooms. Can you help us with the event this year? Please let us know asap.


Bottle Donations: In preparation for the summer fayre we will be holding a dress down day on Thursday 22nd June. Children can wear any of their favourite colours, the brighter the better – in return for bottle donations. Donations can be of any bottle: shampoo, beer, juice, wine, etc…We will also be sending home raffle tickets soon for the super raffle we have planned. Please try to sell as many tickets as you can as there are some fantastic prizes once again. More info on prizes will follow with the tickets.

School Council Shop: If your child would like to purchase anything from the School Council Shop it will be running on alternate Fridays from this week (9th June). The sorts of items available from the shop are notepads, pencils, rubbers, wind-up toys, bouncy balls, etc. The maximum price of items is £3.

New Starters: This week has seen the first session for the new starters for September coming in to begin their transition. They will be returning for the next few Fridays and later in the month they get to stay for lunch too.


Bikeability: This week year 5 have been practicing their cycling skills. They’ve spent 2 days in the saddle honing not only their riding abilities but also their road safety and awareness skills too.

Playground Reminder: Please be reminded that all children (including younger siblings) need to be supervised in the mornings before the bell, and should remain on the top playground (except Foxes). It would also be appreciated if people could be deterred from jumping on the bases of the new basketball posts as this will damage them.


Sports Day: A letter went home on Thursday regarding grab & go lunches for Sports Day, the menu options were on the reverse. Please ensure we have responses by Monday to guarantee we can get the order placed in time. The letter is also available on the website. Don’t forget teas & coffees will also be available in the Y2 classroom for a small donation.


You should already be aware of what colour t-shirt your child will need to wear on sports day – if you are unsure please check the letter on the website:


Photographs: During sports day many spectators like to take photos and videos, whilst we have already got permissions from parents/carers for photos to be taken, we will assume that all parents are happy for photos and videos to be taken at the event unless we are told otherwise.

This half term is really busy with lots going on. To keep up to date please ensure you read the newsletters and check the website for information/confirmation of events. The noticeboard outside school is also updated each week to inform you of what is on the schedule for that week.


Key Dates for the Diary



Quadkids Y5/6



Kate Greenaway



Whole Class Music Ensemble



Sports Afternoon



Dress Down Day – Bottles Please



Woodpeckers Cake Sale



Yr 5/6 Crucial Crew



Yr 4 Sleepover @ Bentley



Class photographs



Foxes/Badgers Visit to Felixstowe



Y6 EBHS Induction Day



Class Swaps Day



Yr 6 Computer Taster Session



Summer Fayre



Foxes/Badgers Trip to Pleasurewood Hills



Squirrels Cake Sale



Leavers Assembly



Last Day of Term



04/05 Sep


PD Days



Pupils Return to School



Bentley School's Christian Ethos

"Know that I am with you always," Matthew 28:20 We encourage the spiritual, social, moral and cultural development of the school family by embedding Christian values into everyday life. Our vision is for all children to be confident individuals, successful learners and responsible citizens who are well equipped for future life, knowing that God is with them always.