Copdock Weekly Update 03/03/2023

Arts Workshops

Our year 5s spent a day at St Joseph's College on Monday learning sections of a musical at different workshops throughout the visit, bringing it all together for a finale performance for parents at the end of the day.  They all had a fabulous day.

Governors Day

On Tuesday we had a flurry of governors into class to share in some of the learning taking place.  They all seemed to enjoy their time and some even commented that they had learnt something new!

World Book Day

We have recently been renewing some of the books in our library supported by the funds raised from the readathon last year.  As a result, some of our older stock may have made their way home to you with the children - these older books do not need to be returned to school and can be kept at home.

Have you watched the Masked Reader?  Can you guess who the readers are?  Voting closes on Monday.  Find the link in the email sent home or on the website here.

School Lunches

Please be aware that due to some salad shortages, our lunch providers have informed us that there may be some changes to the menu on days where salad is offered.  This is likely to be replaced by baked beans or mixed vegetables on the day.


Are you looking to make a difference?  Then why not consider applying for the role of Midday Supervisor! 

Bentley and Copdock Primary are looking for an individual to support lunches on either site between the hours of 12 and 1pm.  The role involves supervising the children whilst eating and at play, as well as supporting health and well-being through the development of positive relationships.  No previous experience is necessary, but a warm and nurturing approach is essential.  Call to find out more.

Autism Acceptance Week

Please see attached flyer from one of our Bentley parents who has kindly offered to organise a morning chat over coffee and biscuits and a cake sale after school on Tuesday 28th March - at Bentley.  Please let us know if you are attending the coffee and chat so we know how many parents to expect.


If your child suffers with Asthma and needs an inhaler please ensure that we have an in-date inhaler in school at all times.  If you only have one inhaler for home and school, please ensure that your child has it in their bag every day and their teacher is aware.  A form and a plan needs to be completed so we are aware and know what the triggers are and the dose that they would normally have.

We now hold an emergency inhaler and spacer in school and will be sending relevant parents a letter authorising us to use this in school should your child's inhaler not work, be out of date, or empty.

It is important that if your child does suffer with Asthma and needs an inhaler that we have one in school, and on trips, at all times.  If you have not advised us or have not filled in an Asthma plan and form recently, please contact the office asap or see the attached form.

Lego Club
Favourite Book Character.jpeg

Each week at Lego Club, there is a theme and one of the builds is sent through to the national website where there is a competition.

This week's build was Favourite Book Character and here is our entry to the competition. 

You can vote for our build here - we're usually on page 2.

Learning Behaviours

This week's learning behaviour is enjoy your learning, try new things and the recipients are: 

Kittens Nojus Kenley
Squirrels Freddie  Oscar
Woodpeckers Alana Malakai
Foxes Leon Sudais

Words of the Week

This week's words to be heard are:

Reception forwards backwards
Year 1 & 2    
Woodpeckers parallel particle
Foxes circulation mitre

Dates for the Diary

Upcoming events over the next couple of weeks to keep an eye out for:

06/03/2023 Swimming  
07/03/2023 2:45pm Foundation Stay & Play  
07/03/2023 3:15-4:15pm Lego Club Book via this link
13/03/2023 Swimming  
14/03/2023 Dodgeball Tournament at Inspire  
14/03/2023 2:45pm Foundation Stay & Play  
14/03/2023 3:15-4:15pm Lego Club Book via this link
17/03/2023 Red Nose Day Wear red for £1 donation

Please also keep an eye on the website for dates in the calendar and news and information about clubs and events!



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Bentley School's Christian Ethos

"Know that I am with you always," Matthew 28:20 We encourage the spiritual, social, moral and cultural development of the school family by embedding Christian values into everyday life. Our vision is for all children to be confident individuals, successful learners and responsible citizens who are well equipped for future life, knowing that God is with them always.