Bentley Weekly Update

Learners of the week
Improve - Jenson and Eliza, Thomas and Erin, Malachi and Albie
Value - Compassion - Adelaide, Felicity, Blossom
Please note that there will be a change to dessert on Monday - it will be jelly,not yoghurt
Reminder about costumes for KS2 - they must be in on MONDAY!
Governor Update
As governors we have been particularly impressed this term by the pupils' progress, seen during our visits to both schools. Children have been producing work of an incredibly high standard. One example being of Year 5&6 Art lessons on Hundertwasser. The children were all producing artwork in his style and were able to speak so eloquently on the subject. Visits from our Local Authority partner and other Headteachers have also acknowledged the positive impact of our provision on learning.
A special thank you also to our Head Pupils who spoke so confidently and sold our school well to prospective parents on the Open Evenings. 
If you would like to find out more about joining our Governing Body, please see the attached information. We currently have a vacancy for a Parent Governor and two Co-opted Governors. 
Bypass Nurseries singing on Wednesday
It was lovely to see so many children join us at Bypass Nurseries for their charity evening. They sang a mixture of traditional and modern songs beautifully and this hopefully encouraged those attending to get into the festive spirit.


'Be Internet Legends' day 
Thursday 8th December was 'Be Internet Legends' day and KS2 children explored the importance of well-being whilst online. They took part in an assembly and discussed some of the ways to ensure they are safe, respectful and responsible in how they use online sites. Please talk to your children about staying safe online, not having access to phones and tablets in their bedrooms at night and remember you can access a range of helpful information here Parents and Carers - UK Safer Internet Centre
Scarlet Fever and Invasive Group A Streptococcus (iGAS)
Please see a letter and fact sheet from Suffolk County Council attached

PE on Monday

A reminder that PE is on Monday, not Tuesday next week, there is no swimming Monday afternoon and there is no sports club on Tuesday.

Dinner Money and Morning Club

Please can you ensure any outstanding monies for dinners and morning club is paid by next Friday.  All children's belongings - water bottles, lunchboxes etc should be taken home next Friday.  Medication will be sent home as well so you can check dates and replenish ready for January (remember to send them back in at the start of term)

PTA Christmas Fayre Monday

Children to be collected from the Village hall, not school at the end of the school dayNo bags to be brought on Monday to reduce the amount of belongings they need to carry and have at the Hall. Children will be wearing PE kit as per the message above, the PTA have asked if children can wear Christmas Jumpers to look festive for their singing.  Please can families walk if possible, or if bringing a car, please park in village hall carpark or nearby streets, with consideration for others and local residents.

Message from PTA?It’s the Christmas Fayre on Monday,  ?The children will be singing at 2:50.?Lots of stalls to do a bit of Christmas shopping , candles , jewellery, pocket money toys , stocking fillers , bunting , bath bombs & lots more. Tombola & fun games & crafts for the children & not to forget Santa’s grotto. Refreshments too , yummy mince pies & cakes & mulled wine.?Price start at 50p so bring lots of change  ?  ?Anyone who could help run a stall for a while please let us know.  ?Any cake donation would be much appreciated too.Thanks, PTA.

Performances Tuesday

The performances are ticket only, your child will bring home your ticket today, please check their bags. Please can we ask that wherever possible younger siblings attend the afternoon performances only. Children should arrive for evening performances at: KS1 5.45pm and KS2 6.30pm.  If you have a child in each key stage they can arrive at 5.45pm and wait in a classroom whilst not performing.

Christmas Dinner & Christmas Jumper day Wednesday

We have our pre-ordered Christmas Dinner on Wednesday. Children should come to school in school uniform and can wear a Christmas jumper to replace their sweatshirt/cardigan if they wish.  Please ensure if you did not pre-order a meal that you send a packed lunch as no dinners are available to order on Wednesday.  Please remember to pay for the Christmas dinner by next Wednesday if you would normally pay for a school dinner.

Flu Vaccinations - Friday morning

if you have given consent and your child missed the last session they will be able to have their vaccination on Friday morning. please see the letter sent out on Wednesday.

Back to school on Wednesday 4th January

It is a PD day on Tuesday 3rd January, all children return to school on Wednesday 4th January for the Spring Term.  Please ensure they all have everything they need and all their uniform is named.

Menu change for Wednesday 4th January

Due to there being no fresh food deliveries at the start of the term, there will be a change to the menu on the first day back.  Please see the poster attached for details. 

Epiphany Service

As an advance warning, our Epiphany Service will be at the Church on 6th January at 2.30pm.  We will all walk with the children to the Church for the service which parents are welcome to join.  We will also do certificates at this service.  Parents will need to collect children from the Church rather than from school at the normal end of school day.

St Mary’s C of E Primary School, Hadleigh admissions consultations

This school is consulting on their admissions arrangements and are inviting comments on the proposed changes.  This consultation letter has been sent to all primary schools in the South Suffolk locality. Please see it attached.

Dates for the Diary

Upcoming events over the next week to keep an eye out for:

12/12/2022 PTA Christmas Fayre at Village Hall  
13/12/2022  Christmas performances Ticket only
14/12/2022 Christmas Dinner and Jumper day  
16/12/2022 Flu vaccinations catch up sessions for children who missed the last session  
16/12/2022 End of term  
Wednesday 4th January  Start of term - children return  


Please also keep an eye on the website for dates in the calendar and news and information about clubs and events!

Files to Download

Bentley School's Christian Ethos

"Know that I am with you always," Matthew 28:20 We encourage the spiritual, social, moral and cultural development of the school family by embedding Christian values into everyday life. Our vision is for all children to be confident individuals, successful learners and responsible citizens who are well equipped for future life, knowing that God is with them always.