Bentley Weekly Update 24.6.2022

Learners of the week


Tuning in -  George, Austin, Oliver, Angus and Sophia, AJ, Harry

 Value - Respect - Evie, Noah, Maisie



Reception -   lighthouse, sprouting

Year 1 and 2 -   region, reside

Hedgehogs -    exodus and obligation

Adders -   none next week as it is Activity week

Adders reminders
Please see attached the Activity Week timetable - all children in Adders Class will be bringing home a paper copy as well. 
On Monday, they will need swimming kit (towel, swimming costume, hat).  They do not need to come in uniform but need to wear suitable clothing outlined on the timetable.
Hedgehogs reminders
A reminder that there is no swimming for Year 4 next week, it resumes on Monday 4th July. But please can the children wear PE kit on Monday, as well as Wednesday and Friday.
It is Hedgehogs class assembly next week.
Wolves Reminder
A reminder that there is no swimming for year 2 next week, it resumes on Monday 4th July.
Please can Wolves children wear PE kits on Friday as they have handball as part of Activity week. 
 Activity Week

Children from Adders class have an exciting week next week with Foxes from Copdock.  There are a lot of activities happening throughout the week, please look out for regular emails reminding you what they need to bring each day. On Monday they need swimming stuff. Please see the timetable attached.

Please ensure that you have let us know if your child is staying overnight on Thursday at the sleepover.  If your child is staying for the sleepover, and they normally have a packed lunch, please bear in mind that parents will need to bring this in to school on Friday morning as children will not be at home Friday.

If your child is entitled to free school meals, please let us know if you wish them to have a school packed lunch on Wednesday and Thursday. 

Crucial Crew visit

Adders went on a trip to Crucial Crew at Stowmarket yesterday - the theme of the visit was 'staying safe'. They all had a good time and learned a lot to help them stay safe.

Sports Day

Sports day was on Tuesday morning and thankfully it was a bit cooler.  All the children did very well, especially the younger children who had never taken part in a sports day before. There was a lovely atmosphere and it was great to see so many parents watching. The children all showed great sportsmanship.  The winning team was the Green team!

Class Photos

Our annual class photos were taken on Tuesday, the children were given a voucher to bring home containing all the information you require to be able to order the photos once they are available on the Bentley Photographic website.  Please bear with them as they add them to the website.  The school has no direct influence on the timescale.  You are able to select for the photos to be delivered via school, in which case we will distribute them when we receive them.  Again, we are reliant on the company for their delivery dates.

Grab & Go Thursday Lunch - Hedgehogs and Wolves

As on previous Thursdays this term, next Thursday's grab & go lunch will be hot dog & potato wedges accompanied by crunchy veg sticks and followed by an iced cake.  Vegetarian hot dogs are also available, along with jacket potatoes. This replaces the normal Thursday menu. 

Jubilee Bibles

All the children were given a commemorative Jubilee bible this week. The visitors from the Trinitarian Bible Society came into assembly to talk to the children and kindly donated one to each child.  

PTA dates for the diary
Monday 4th July, 
non uniform day in exchange for booze! This will be used on stalls and games at our summer fayre
Friday 8th July 
Summer Fayre! We have lots of stalls, games, a bbq, an art exhibition and more!
We still need helpers on stalls, please email the office if you can help.
Tuesday 19th July 
Leavers BBQ. As is tradition, we send our leavers off with a bbq and social evening. 
Open to all, please feel free to bring siblings & family members along to celebrate.
All year group families welcome! 

Dates for the Diary

Year 5 / 6 Activities week - Monday 27th June to Friday 1st July 
Year  5 / 6 trip to Pleasurewood hills - Wednesday 13th July - slips and voluntary contributions due in by 1 July please
New children visit in to school 9 - 11,30am - Friday 24th June, Friday 1st July, Friday 8th July, Friday 15th July (and stay for lunch)
KS1 trip to Mersea Island - 
Bikeabilty for Year 6 and year 5 children - Thursday 14th and Friday 15th July
Leavers assembly at the Church - Tuesday 19th July, 9am
End of term - Wednesday 20th July
Start of new term for all children Monday 5th September 



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Bentley School's Christian Ethos

"Know that I am with you always," Matthew 28:20 We encourage the spiritual, social, moral and cultural development of the school family by embedding Christian values into everyday life. Our vision is for all children to be confident individuals, successful learners and responsible citizens who are well equipped for future life, knowing that God is with them always.