Bentley Weekly Update 2.12.22

Learners of the week
Don't give up - Phoebe, Arabella, Philippa,  Evie, Charlotte, Kayleigh-Anne
Value - Compassion - Eliza, Austin, Charlotte
Wolves -    letter and list
Hedgehogs - appliance and associate and year 2 is electricity 
Adders - pulley and gear


Bypass Nurseries

We would love to see as many children as possible singing at Bypass Nurseries on Wednesday, please arrive about 5:15pm so that you are ready to sing at 5.30pm. 

Parent Consultations

Thank you to all parents who attended parent consultations this week, if you still need a slot with your child's teacher, please contact the office.

Dress Down Donations

A big thank you to everyone who dressed down today in return for a donation to the bottle stall or tombola for the Christmas Fayre on 12th December.


Thursday was a really exciting day in school.  The children created some beautiful decorations and the hall looks great. The Advent Tree service Thursday afternoon has left us all feeling very festive. 

After School Clubs next term

Sports Club will not be running next term due to the poor weather and dark nights, but Dance Club is returning on a Tuesday after school for any children who would be interested in resuming this or joining.  Please see attached the flyer from Sarah for details.

Flu Catchup

For those children who were absent for the flu immunisations, the nursing team are returning on Friday 16th December.  If you hadn't already consented/declined consent, please look out for the letter which will be sent out next week.

Lost Property

There is a box of navy and black hoodies which have been left in classrooms, probably after PE days.  I will leave them in the playground after school on Monday if anyone has lost anything, whatever is still there I will donate to a charity shop.  Please ensure all uniform and PE clothes are named over the Christmas break, thank you.


Please be aware that from Monday 5th December, if your child is late arriving at school (after the gate closes at 8:45am) the school will require an adult to complete our late slip stating the reason for the late arrival. Please come the main door as usual for lates and you will be given a slip to complete. 

Road Closure in Bentley

Please note that there is a road closure in Bentley next week from Wednesday to Friday.  This will mean a diversion which will no doubt make your journey longer, please allow more time to get to school if you come this way.

Governor Vacancies
Following the resignation of one of our parent governors, we would be really keen to hear from any parents who wish to be considered to fill this vacancy. Information about the role of the governors can be found on the school website here but please contact Mrs Austin for a chat if you would like to know more. 
Lauren Bayliss-Fuller has made many contributions during her time as a governor and we are grateful for her time and energy in supporting our Federation. 

Services at the Church

There is a Christingle service at 10am on Sunday 11th December.  St Nicholas will be there to receive any gifts, no matter how small, for the homeless families.  If you cannot attend but would like to donate a gift, please bring to school before 9th December and we will pass them on.  Please let Sandra know if you are going to the service, so that they have enough Christingles for all the children. 

Christmas Performances

Please note the booking system for the tickets closes at 5pm on Wednesday 7th December.  This allows us time to get tickets out to you.  Thank you for your patience with booking the tickets - we appreciate your feedback and aim to improve these processes as we move forward.

PTA Christmas Fayre ?We will be running a cake stall at the fayre, so we would really appreciate any donations of cakes. ???Please let us know if you can help us with this so we have a rough idea of how much we will have.???????Shout out for help - If anyone has any spare time on Monday 12th in the afternoon to help us set up the Fayre or help to run a stall it would be much appreciated.???????Bookings are now being taken for the School Christmas fayre grotto to see Father Christmas ? ? £2 includes a giftPayment can be made byCash in a named envelope labelled School GrottoOr? online toBentley School PTASort code 09-01-54Account number 97776081Put child name & school grotto as reference pleaseby Friday 9th pleaseMany thanksPTA

Staying Safe Online
This festive season, set your child up for online safety that lasts the whole year. Whether you’re gifting a new device or one that’s new-to-them, make sure you set it up before you wrap it up with step-by-step guides and an online safety plan. 
For other useful resources to support online safety, don't forget to check out the school website Bentley CEVC & Copdock Primary Federation: Online Safety (

Barnardo’s Telephone Helpline service  

In February 2022, Barnardo’s launched a Telephone Helpline service in Suffolk. It is a free and confidential emotional well-being service for parents, carers and young people aged 0-25 years.  We provide a signposting, information, resources, and support service that can help and direct callers to any appropriate services that are required. We take time to listen to establish the most appropriate support, and we can provide a vast range of resources for specific advice.    The Telephone Helpline is available Monday-Friday, 9 am-5 pm. We have a voicemail facility where you can leave a message, and we will get back to you.   

The Barnardo’s phone line number is 03456 002 090 Option 2.   

It is a free and confidential emotional well-being service for parents, carers and young people aged 0-25 years.  (Please note that this service does not cover Waveney)    

Kinetic Kids Holiday Camps - see poster attached

Camps are here for the Christmas holidays in Claydon running on the   19th, 20th, 21st and 29th December, our camps run from 10:00 - 15:30.

Come and join us for some Holiday Camp fun. We have fun-filled days planned with lots of seasonal themed games and activities!

Our Holiday Camps are for children aged from 6-14 years, and are broken into the below age groups:

?     KS1: For children from 6 -7 years old

?     KS2: For children from 8-11 years old

?     KS3: For children from 12-14 years old

Our clubs are £32 per day and we provide lunch and snacks., Payment is taken via BACS.  To reserve a space, please email for a booking form, instructions on how to make the payment will then follow once the space has been reserved. We have limited spaces available; therefore, all spaces will be reserved on a first come first served basis.


Dates for the Diary

Upcoming events over the next couple of weeks to keep an eye out for:

05/12/2022 Swimming (last one this term)  
5/12/2022 Christmas Cake club (last one)  
07/12/2022 5:30pm performance Bypass Nursery Singing 5.15pm arrival
12/12/2022 PTA Christmas Fayre at Village Hall  
13/12/2022  Christmas performances Ticket only - deadline for ordering via spider 7th December
16/12/2022 Flu vaccinations catch up sessions for children who missed the last session  
16/12/2022 End of term  
Wednesday 4th January  Start of term - children return  

Please also keep an eye on the website for dates in the calendar and news and information about clubs and events!

Files to Download

Bentley School's Christian Ethos

"Know that I am with you always," Matthew 28:20 We encourage the spiritual, social, moral and cultural development of the school family by embedding Christian values into everyday life. Our vision is for all children to be confident individuals, successful learners and responsible citizens who are well equipped for future life, knowing that God is with them always.