Bentley Weekly Update 21/05/21

Road Safety PEASE READ – There have been some near misses at drop off again, we are growing increasingly concerned that there will be a serious accident! Please, please make sure you are driving and parking safely outside the school, make sure children are exiting from vehicles safely and straight onto the pavement, not running across the road, a child was nearly hit by a car this morning. If your child walks or cycles from and to the memorial, please talk to them about how important it is to walk or cycle sensibly and safely. HELP US KEEP OUR CHILDREN SAFE! Thank you 

Learners of the Week – This week’s learning behaviour was ‘Keep trying, don’t give up’. Learners of the week are:

Felicity & Erin

Malachi & Ethan

Leon & Edward

Well Done! 

Words of the Week

Reception – torn and repair

Yr1/2 – predator, prey and debug

Hedgehogs – ancient and chronological

Adders – synthetic and capillaries

Values Certificates – The value of ‘Service’

Tom, Sophia, Sebastian and Nicholas

Covid Guidance from Suffolk County Council – There are still positive COVID cases across Suffolk schools and settings with bubbles having to self-isolate. Please continue with regular lateral flow testing at home to help stop the spread of the virus. Testing kits are free to order and available from Order coronavirus (COVID-19) rapid lateral flow tests - GOV.UK (, Families can also pick free testing kits up from local pharmacies and libraries. A full list of where families can collect lateral flows kits from can be found here Find where to get rapid lateral flow tests - NHS ( Rapid lateral flow tests are for people who do not have coronavirus (COVID-19) symptoms, if anyone is showing symptoms of COVID-19 they should obtain a PCR test. 

Parent Consultations – All Wolves families have now booked their slots (gold star to you lot!), but we are still waiting on a few Hedgehog and Adders families to get booked on. Slots are booked via the website. The links for the online meetings will be sent out on Monday.

The Big Ask We will be exploring this during our assembly next week and Mrs Austin will be introducing it to the children and encouraging them to take part. The Children's Commissioner for England is encouraging all children to complete this online survey to share their views about what children need to live a healthy life. It will only take 5-10 minutes so please try to support your child to have their say! Deadline for completion is 28th May.

Adders PGL Residential – Just a gentle reminder that the PGL residential visit that Adders are going on in July, needs to be paid in full by Friday 11th June please. If you are unsure how much you have outstanding, please contact the school office.

Half Term Netball Camp – Our wonderful Mrs Robinson belongs to a club called Suffolk Rockets Netball Club and they are running a morning session for children in years 3-6 during half-term. Please see the attached flyer for more details and how to book.

Bentley School's Christian Ethos

"Know that I am with you always," Matthew 28:20 We encourage the spiritual, social, moral and cultural development of the school family by embedding Christian values into everyday life. Our vision is for all children to be confident individuals, successful learners and responsible citizens who are well equipped for future life, knowing that God is with them always.