Bentley Weekly Update 17.6.2022

Learners of the week

Try new things, enjoy your learning - Ella, Austin, Amy, Izzy, Frankie, Reuben, Mimi


Reception -   seaside, bulb

Year 1 and 2 -   germinate, environment 

Hedgehogs -    temporary and debug

Adders -   incidence + impurity

Value - Respect - Ben, Mylie, Harry T


Message from Hedgehogs - Sewing afternoon

Hedgehogs are having a sewing day next Friday at 1.15 - 2.30pm, if any parent is able to help us in class, it would be appreciated, please let us know. 

Message from Wolves - making kites

Wolves are making kites next Friday morning, if any parent is able to help us in class, it would be appreciated, please let us know. 
Family Assembly
It has been lovely to see parents attending our family assembly on a Friday afternoon - just a reminder that if you are bringing younger children then please could they remain on the parents lap and if they are becoming restless, as young children do, then please feel free to go outside. Please can we ask that your phones are on silent. This will allow everyone to hear and celebrate all the amazing things the children have been doing. 

Sports Day next Tuesday

We are looking forward to our sports day on Tuesday. Please note the important details below:
Children need to be dropped off at the school field please, as on the practice day.  Please ensure that they are in PE kit with their coloured team T-shirts.  If you have booked a lunch, this will be brought to the field for the children, if you have not booked a lunch, they will need to bring their own packed lunch.
They will also need a hat, suncream and plenty of water, we do not access to any water at the field.
Please also note the following so to be mindful of residents living in the area of the field.
do not arrive before 8.40am
- the gate to the field will be open from 8.40am. Please drive into the field to drop off your child to prevent any traffic chaos
- please avoid parking in the roads at the rear of the field as residents need to get out of their driveways
- bring your own picnic lunch if you are staying!

Photos next Tuesday

Sports day will be followed by class photos.  Please send a bag with their uniform and maybe a hair brush so that they can look smart and smiley for their photos.

Crucial Crew - Thursday

Year 5 & 6 children will be learning all about safety at The Mix in Stowmarket on Thursday, they will be going on a coach with Copdock children. Please note that they will be a bit later back at school that day, approximately 3.30pm. They will need a packed lunch. Children in receipt of free school meals will be supplied with a packed lunch from school.

Payments for morning club and dinner money owed

Please remember to keep up to date with dinner money owed and morning club payments.

Multi skills Programme

Please find attached information from Ipswich Borough Council which gives information on the Multi Skills Programme. This encourages children to get out and about and take part in activities.


Dates coming up

Sports morning and School photos - Tuesday 21st June
Year 5 / 6 Crucial Crew @ Stowmarket - Thursday 23rd June - slips and voluntary contributions due in today
Year 5 / 6 Activities week - Monday 27th June to Friday 1st July 
Year  5 / 6 trip to Pleasurewood hills - Wednesday 13th July - slips and voluntary contributions due in by 1 July please
New children visit in to school 9 - 11,30am - Friday 24th June, Friday 1st July, Friday 8th July, Friday 15th July (and stay for lunch)
Bikeabilty for Year 6 and year 5 children - Thursday 14th and Friday 15th July
Leavers assembly at the Church - Tuesday 19th July, 9am
End of term - Wednesday 20th July

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Bentley School's Christian Ethos

"Know that I am with you always," Matthew 28:20 We encourage the spiritual, social, moral and cultural development of the school family by embedding Christian values into everyday life. Our vision is for all children to be confident individuals, successful learners and responsible citizens who are well equipped for future life, knowing that God is with them always.