Foxes Thursday 16th July

Date: 16th Jul 2020 @ 5:47am

Good morning Foxes

I hope you are all well. It's great to hear so many of you keeping up with your learning and challenging yourselves to do a bit extra ready for September. I am really proud of you. 

For year 6 to keep up with some extra learning will really help your transition to high school and ensure you have the best possible start in September. For year 5, you are sitting SATs next year so the extra work some of you are doing will really support you in preparation for May.

In maths today you have another investigation, think back to what we have done in class to give you a method rather than just trial and error.

In writing I would like you to write me a letter, which I would like brought into school. I want you to tell me either how you are feeling about September, what lockdown has been like, what you have missed or enjoyed or anything else that is relevant. (Remembedr the layout of a letter, we did these when we wrote to the village) I want to use these letters as a starting point for September year 5 and final piece for year 6 so please make it as good as it can be. Year 6 please bring them in tomorrow and year 5 bring them in next Tuesday.

In reading there is a comprehension about internet safety on Monday's blog, choose your level. In spellings, choose 6 words from the year 5/6 spelling list and put them into sentences.

Finally for topic this afternoon I just want you to design a hat or sunglasses to protect you from the sun. Make them stylish though as well as practical.

I know things are hard at the moment still. BUT if you were still in school now you would still be working on a full timetable. I realise some of you are tired and I'm sure your adults are too. But you can do all this work independently. The children and staff in school are working hard so if you are feeling tired (or lazy) then dig deep and try your best. The more you do now, the easier September will be.

See you tomorrow year 6 for your final day!

Have a great day

Mrs Windmill

Bentley School's Christian Ethos

"Know that I am with you always," Matthew 28:20 We encourage the spiritual, social, moral and cultural development of the school family by embedding Christian values into everyday life. Our vision is for all children to be confident individuals, successful learners and responsible citizens who are well equipped for future life, knowing that God is with them always.